Equipping Cultural Influencers with a Christian Worldview

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We are now finishing our fourteenth year and have offered 69events with speakers from all over America.  We are grateful that many from Montana and Wyoming are helping us promote biblical worldview ideas. Great ideas compete for people's minds and hearts, and followers of Christ should be interjecting ideas that reflect Biblical wisdom into the public square. 2022 & 2023 demonstrated that need in spades as we saw the LEFT promote all parts of the LGBT agenda, Critical Race Theory, and other aspects of Marxism.  2024 will require us to communicate our worldview concepts even more effectively. As  Progressives indoctrinate America about Globalism, Climage Change, Abortion and all things LGBTQ only engaged Christians will be able to counter these ideas.

Dr Jay Richards, William E. Simmons Senior Fellow at the Heritage Foundation. Sept. 27-28, 2024.  "Does Evidence of the Design of the Earth Suggest a Designer & What is the Real Science Relative to Climate Change?."

  • Creationism and Inteligent Design - do you understand the EVIDENCE for the precise design of the earth?  
  • The Design of the Earth is a powerful argument for a Designer and Creationism. 
  • Jay Richards returns to Montana to discuss the issue of Climate
  • As the Biden administration pushing Climate Change governance without regard to Congress.
  • The Media indoctrinates America every day with their distortions.


Dr. Del Tackett, author of the Truth Project "The Perfect Storm: 7 Threats in Our TIme. Understanding our Times & The Biblical Path Forward." Nov. 8-9th, 2024 

We in Montana are fortunate to have Del Tackett for and evening and a morning. He will have time to cover these seven subjects.  In most locations, he is only doing a morning session. 

  1. The Rise of the Depraved Mind in America - how did this happen?
  2. This Rise of Homo Deus and Meo Christianity
  3. The Loss of the Noble Male and The Rise of Malevolent Compassion
  4. The Consolidation of Massive Earthly Power
  5. The Rise of a Demonic Worldview and National Rift
  6. America - Addicted and Soft - Dependent and Lost
  7. The Attack Upon the Biblical Family
  8. Threts to our Culuture For this event, you will sign up on Del's website.  Coming soon. \

Jeff Ventrella - V.D., PhD. Truthxchange.com(Helping Christians articulate their faith in a neo-pagan Culture) Between the Cross and Consummation: Kingdom Living Today and Tomorrow.” Jan 17-18th, 2025 (Tentative - will depend upon participation in Sept. and Nov.) 

Jeff Ventrella returns to Billings to challange Christians to Kingdom Living now and in the future. This to a church, many of whome are  hoping to be "raptured our of here"  but living in fear and compromise - no different thatn the world?  

  1. It's all about our mind-set!
  2. Here will be the challange:Those who want to win the world for Christ must have the courage to come into conflict with it” 
  3. Are YOU being challanged to Kingdom Life or are you just hearing "filling station" sermons?  
  4. Put something in my tank to get me to next week?
  5. Is your church mentalite - we are a fortress, a place to seek shelter...or... an ammo depot? A place to be equipped (Eph. 4:10-12) to go out and infect the world? 
  6. In Jeremiah 29, the Lord challanges the Jews to live Kingdom Life, in captivity - i.e. when they are a persecuted minority
  7. Build houses, plant gardens, seek he welfare of those who have you captive.
  1. View All Our Speakers