Restoring American Wellness Summit: How Can Policy Help Make America Healthy Again Heritage Foundation
Legislative Information, Links, and Tutorial
Dr. Del Tackett updated:
2024 Election Issues and Voters Guide
Exposting Transgender Care - Who is WPATH (World Professional Association of Transgender Health) and how have they lied to America about Gender-Affriming-Care:
Three Teachings On Sexuality You Will Find Useful and Some You Won't
Montana Family Foundations Isses
Summit Ministries for Worldview
Montana's Effort to Stop Transition procedures:
Understanding the Services of Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF)
2022 Election Issues - Congress, Supreme Court, MT Legislature
The Great Reset- ESG, Globalism, Green and the WOKE movement
7 Threats in Our Time - The Perfect Storm from Dr. Del Tackett (These will show a word document and a LINK to a Live Stream)
The Chosen - What are the dangers and deceptions?
COVID 19's - Progressive-Globalist Agenda
We have been cautious about this subject but the Agenda's of the Progressives and Globalists have become so obvious in the COVID issue and vaccine that we feel confident that this is a Christian Worldview issue beyond any question. This could be a hundred articles.
Marc Malone - Agenda 21+ Globalism
The Future of The Church - Coalition Issues
Media Issues
Political Issues of Interest:
Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, Black Lives Matter - Marxist Related
COVAD-19 Articles
The Non-Discrimination Ordinance (NDO) and Its Tributaries
LGBT Data - Information
Southern Poverty Law Center - Marxist Hate Group
Marxism-Socialism - Issues and Articles of interest:
Critical Race Theory - Marxist Direction Entering the Church
Issues of Current Interest:
LGBT Activists, appearing to have won the marriage territory, have now moved to their next agenda - total obviation of sexual differences. They are using the transgender issue to take this ground. But the "locker room debate" will harm those with "gender dysphoria" as much as the culture.Ex
Across the nation you are seeing a surge of issues related to Religious Freedom and Free Speech that center on efforts by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) activists to force their agenda upon us. In Montana, the Legislature and the Montana Family Foundation turned back these efforts for a decade. This is not about equal rights (as they claim) but about creating a Uniquely Protected Class. Now, these activists are going cit-by-city with NDO's that in reality are FPO's - Forced Participation Ordinances. Because this is at the core of worldview issues, we will attempt to supply articles and updates here that relate to this rapidly advancing intrusion on our freedoms. (See also articles here under Freedom and Religious Liberty)
What are the long term implications of sperm and egg donations? What are the affects of developing "Breeders - a subclass of women" who act as surrogates or egg donors? What is happening to women who donate eggs? What will the children from these "ideas" face? What is on the horizon for stem cell research, Euthanasia, and assisted suicide?
Politics - When Worldview and Government Collide
As a Worldview organization, our first focus in these articles is on the ORIGINS of CC because the "roots" always define the "plant." To not understand the worldview's of those behind CC is to start from a weakened platform. We must understand their direction if we are to affectively engage. Do not be deterred by the dates of some of these articles - they provide important background. And, the links are gold mines of revelation.
As a Worldview organization, we are concerned about TRUTH. We equate that in large part with orthodox, historic conservative Christianity. Here you will find a few articles relating to influential leaders in the Emergent/Church Growth Movements. In many cases, you will sense a Post-Modern flavor to some of their thinking.